


2023. “Performing Gender on the English-Language Stage: Tirso’s Queer Characters,”   A Companion to Tirso de Molina, ed. Esther Fernández. Boydell & Brewer Ltd.

2023. “Direct Address, Metatheatre, and the Camera: The Comedia as Experimental Short Film,” Hispanófila, vol. 198, 2023, pp. 21-34, ed. Esther Fernández. UNC Chapel Hill.

2023. “Text(ile) and Intertext: Adapting Women’s Narratives in Unruly Mujeres.” The   Unsafe Stage: Daring Adaptations, Creative Failures and Experimental     Performances in Iberian and Transnational Contexts, eds. María Chouza-Calo,     Esther Fernández and Jonathan Thacker. Liverpool University Press.

2020.“Book Review: The Force of Habit / La fuerza de la costumbre by Kathleen Jeffs and Melissa Machit.” Bulletin of the Comediantes, vol. 72, no. 2, 2020, pp. 167-70

2019. “Book Review: Staging the Spanish Golden Age: Translation and Performance by Kathleen Jeffs.” Comedia Performance, vol. 16, no. 1, Spring 2019, pp. 132-35

 2018. “Approaches to Adaptation in Performance: Merging Characters in Tirso de          Molina’s Jealous of Herself” in Comedia Performance, vol. 15, no. 1, Spring   2018, pp. 56-73 


2024. “Bringing Shakespeare Up to Date: Mixing the Bard with Hip Hop.” A conversation with K.P. Powell. Weber: The Contemporary West. Forthcoming 2024.


2021. Silence is Golden. First-ever English-language translation of Calderón de la Barca’s No hay cosa como callar, produced as audio play by UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television.

2020. Love is the Greater Labyrinth. Collaborative translation with Diversifying the Classics, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Amor es más laberinto.

2017. Literal translation of Lope de Vega’s Fuenteovejuna for Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, London, UK.

2012. Love the Doctor. First-ever English-language translation of Tirso de Molina’s El amor médico (c. 1621), with introduction. The Mercurian, 4.3. Chapel Hill: UNC-Chapel Hill, 2012. Online. With Josephine Hardman.

Conferences & Presentations

2023, “Baroque Techniques in Modern Performance: The Spanish Comedia in English-Language Film Translation”, International CIRCE Congress, Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication, University of Valencia, Spain

2023, “Romeo y Julieta: Bilingualism and Aural in Performance”, Wooden O Conference, Southern Utah University

2022, ​​Invited panelist, “Radio Comedia: Diversifying the Classics with Podcasts and ​​Audio Drama,” PAMLA, Los Angeles, CA

2022, ​​“The Comedia as Experimental Short Film,” Comedia Practices, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA (Zoom)

2021​​, “Hablar y callar: The Sound of Silence in the Audio Performance of Calderón’s ​​​Silence is Golden,” Queen Mary University of London Seminar on Translation, ​​​Transmission, and Cultural Transfer, London, UK (Zoom)

2021, “Speaking Silence: Translating Calderón’s No hay cosa como callar for Audio Performance,” Resituating the Comedia Conference 2, Made for the Stage: Translation and Performance, UCLA Clark Library, Los Angeles, CA (Zoom)

2020, Co-moderator of Panel with Bruce Burningham and Duncan Wheeler, Resituating the Comedia Conference 1, Making Classics: Canonicity and Performance, UCLA Clark Library, Los Angeles, CA (Zoom)

2018, “Approaches to Adaptation in Performance: Merging Characters in Tirso de Molina’s Jealous of Herself,” Association for Hispanic Classical Theatre Spanish Golden Age Theatre Symposium, El Paso, TX

2016, Chair of “Gender Displacements” panel, Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World, Oxford, UK

2016, “Foreignising Gender: Queering Comedias on the Contemporary Stage,” Translating Theatre: 'Foreignisation' on Stage Symposium, London, UK

2016, “Authenticity in Adaptation: Performing the Drama(turgy) of Spain’s Golden Age in Translation,” International Federation of Theatre Research, Stockholm, Sweden

2014, “Visiting the Doctor: Mending Tirso's Love the Doctor at ATHE,” Association for Theatre in High Education, Scottsdale, AZ

2013, “‘Speak to me in vernacular, Doctor’: Comedia Adaptations for the Contemporary Audience,” Association for Hispanic Classical Theatre/Out of the Wings, Bath, UK

2013, “Translation for Performance,” University of North Carolina Charlotte Symposium on Translation, Performance and Cultural Context, Charlotte, NC

2012, “The Doctor, in Surgery: Discovering the Comedia through a New Translation/Production of Tirso de Molina’s El amor medico,” Association for Hispanic Classical Theatre Spanish Golden Age Theatre Symposium, El Paso, TX

2011, “Ripe for Rediscovery: Dramaturgy and the Spanish Comedia Nueva,” Association for Theatre in High Education, Chicago, IL

2011, “Staging the Universe: The Dramaturg-Driven Journey of the First English-Language Translation of Japan's classic Ginga tetsudô no yoru to the American Theatre,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Chicago, IL

2010, “POWER MOVES: New Approaches to Plays from the Spanish Golden Age Through Fencing, Dancing, & Connections to Shakespeare,” American Society for Theatre Research, Seattle, WA

2010, “Intertextuality in Adaptation: Shifts in Genre in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Lope’s Castelvines y Monteses,” Massachusetts Center for Renaissance Studies English Graduate Conference, Amherst, MA

2010, “Comedia Revived: Websites, Video Archives, and Multi-Media Resources for Rediscovering Plays from the Spanish Golden Age,” Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Los Angeles, CA

2010, “Dead Authors” panel, Biannual Graduate Student Translation Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

2010, “Marta the Divine production” panel, Association of Hispanic Classical Theatre Spanish Golden Age Theatre Symposium, El Paso, TX

2010, “Marta the Divine production” panel, Spanish Golden Age Drama Conference, Center for Renaissance Studies, University of Massachusetts